Scalable Limits

At CleverCard, we strive to create a financial ecosystem that promotes responsible financial habits. By scaling your credit card limit based on your checking account deposits and balance, we ensure that your credit limit aligns with your financial capabilities and helps you make more informed spending decisions.
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We believe in providing a credit card experience that aligns with your financial situation.

That's why our credit card limit scales based on your checking account deposits and account balance.

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    Responsible Spending

    By scaling your credit card limit based on your savings account balance and checking account deposits, CleverCard encourages responsible spending within your financial means.

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    Avoiding Overspending

    The dynamic adjustment helps prevent overspending beyond what your account came support, promoting a healthier financial lifestyle

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    Flexibility and Control

    The scaling credit card limit feature allows you to enjoy the benefits of a higher credit limit when your checking account balance is healthy, while also protecting you from potential debt accumulation.

Checking Account Deposits

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    When you open a CleverCard credit card and link it to your CleverCard Checking Account, the deposits you make into your checking account play a crucial role in determining your credit card limit.

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    Regular deposits into your checking account demonstrate a healthy financial activity and responsibility, which can positively impact your creditworthiness.

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illustration illustration

Dynamic Credit Limit Adjustment

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    CleverCard continuously monitors your savings account balance and adjusts your credit card limit accordingly.

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    If your savings account balance increases, you may see an increase in your credit card limit, giving you more purchasing power.

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    Similarly, if your savings account balance decreases, your credit card limit may be adjusted accordingly to ensure it remains within a reasonable range.

Apply for ClevrCard today!

Say goodbye to high interest rates and hello to financial freedom. ClevrCard – where responsibility meets rewards.